My Collection


Atlas Vertebra


My collection of various fossilized bones.

Otodus Chubutensis


Otodus chubutensis, meaning "ear-shaped tooth of Chubut", from Ancient Greek ὠτ and ὀδούς – thus, "ear-shaped tooth", is an extinct species of prehistoric megatoothed sharks in the genus Otodus, that lived during Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene epochs, approximately 28 – 5 million years ago. - Wikipedia

Notorynchus Cepedianus

Notorynchus Cepedianus

Cow Shark TEETH

are a family, the Hexanchidae, of sharks characterized by an additional pair or pairs of gill slits. Its 37 species are placed within the 10 genera Gladioserratus, Heptranchias, Hexanchus, Notidanodon, Notorynchus, Pachyhexanchus, Paraheptranchias, Pseudonotidanus, Welcommia, and Weltonia. - Wikipedia

Thecachampsa Antiqua

Thecachampsa Antiqua


Thecachampsa is an extinct genus of tomistomine crocodylian. Fossils have been found from the eastern United States in deposits of late Oliogcene to Miocene age. Those named in the 19th century were distinguished primarily by the shape of their teeth, and have since been combined with T. antiqua.
- Wikipedia

Sphyrna Zygaena

Sphyrna Zygaena

Hammerhead teeth

The smooth hammerhead is a species of hammerhead shark, and part of the family Sphyrnidae. This species is named "smooth hammerhead" because of the distinctive shape of the head, which is flattened and laterally extended into a hammer shape, without an indentation in the middle of the front margin. - Wikipedia

Hemipristis Serra

Hemipristis Serra

Hemi (Snaggletooth shark)

is an extinct species of weasel shark which existed during the Miocene epoch. It was described by Louis Agassiz in 1843.[1] While today's snaggletooth shark is not very large or dangerous, Hemipristis serra, which lived in the Atlantic Ocean during the Oligocene and Miocene, was ... - Wikipedia

Carcharodon Megalodon

Otodus Megalodon

Megalodon Shark

Megalodon, meaning "big tooth", is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 23 to 3.6 million years ago, during the Early Miocene to the Pliocene. It was formerly thought to be a member of the family Lamnidae, and a close relative of the great white shark. - Wikipedia

Micro Collection

Micro Collection

Collecting micro fossils is a passion of mine. My entire collection consist of more than 300 1” jars with fossils found in Maryland, Delaware, California, New Jersey and North Carolina.

Leptophoca lenis

Seal Teeth

Leptophoca lenis was coined by Frederick True for a humerus from the Calvert Formation of Maryland. Later, Clayton Ray referred "Prophoca" proxima from the Antwerp region, Belgium, to Leptophoca. A second nominal Leptophoca species, L. amphiatlantica, was coined for specimens found on both sides of the North Atlantic. - Wikipedia

Ecphora Gardnerae

Ecphora Gardnerae

Ecphora shell

Ecphora gardnerae is a species of extinct predatory ocenebrinid murex gastropod. Shells of E. gardnerae are found in Miocene-aged marine strata of Maryland and Virginia. Wikipedia

Physeteroidea Indet.

Physeteroidea Indet.

Sperm Whale Tooth

Physeteroidea is a superfamily that, today, includes three extant species of whales: the sperm whale, in the genus Physeter, and the pygmy sperm whale and dwarf sperm whale, in the genus Kogia. In the past, these genera have… - Wikipedia

Alopias Cf. Latidens

Alopias Cf. Latidens

Thresher Shark

As a result, the long-tailed or common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus, is also known as the fox shark. The common name is derived from a distinctive, thresher-like tail or caudal fin which can be as long as the body of the shark itself. - Wikipedia

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